The American Bar Association’s Standing Committee on Professionalism has put forth this 20-chapter volume by leading authorities on changes in the profession and the legal services marketplace. It offers expert guidance on rapid change in the legal services landscape and what legal organizations and individual lawyers must do to adapt and preserve our profession.
This very readable how-to manual helps young lawyers seeking mentors, seasoned lawyers who want to provide m
Maximizing Relationships To Become A Successful Lawyer: Innovative Mentoring For Lawyers And Law Students By Matthew Cristiano, Amy TimmerThis very readable how-to manual meets the needs of young lawyers seeking mentors, seasoned lawyers who want to provide meaningful mentoring without significant time commitments, and bar associations and law schools searching for an inexpensive way to help make meaningful mentoring happen.
Focusing on “professionalism mentoring,” the book:
- Offers a fresh, innovative approach to legal mentoring that involves having many mentors and brief mentoring sessions
- Provides a variety of ways to find mentors and capture their best advice in short order
- Gives readers techniques for maintaining mentoring relationships
- Benefits law students and young lawyers by helping them grow their network of experienced lawyers who will guide and advise them
- Can be read from cover to cover or used regularly for quick reference
- Offers approaches to mentoring that are non-resource intensive
- Provides seasoned lawyers ways to offer meaningful mentoring without significant time commitments
- Provides the questions young lawyers and law students should ask to begin a mentoring relationship
- Utilizes professional identity development and professionalism as a basis for starting the mentoring relationship and improving the profession.
Purchase the manual for $15.00 at
The Supreme Court of Illinois has shared twenty tips for new attorneys not accustomed to the norms of the legal profession.

New models of lawyer mentoring have emerged over the past few years and mentoring today has become more strategic than in the past. The Lawyer’s Guide to Mentoring 2nd Edition is a must-have resource that offers practical tools for establishing successful mentoring relationships in today’s dynamic legal workplace. Author Ida Abbott (a speaker at the upcoming National Legal Mentoring Consortium conference) was one of the first to address lawyer mentoring in a systemic way and is widely recognized as the leader in the field. For individual lawyers, mentoring relationships offer keys to professional success. For law firms, mentoring programs are an investment in the future. This book will provide both audiences with the information necessary to find success in all areas of mentoring, and during all stages of a lawyer’s career. Conference attendees can order the book for a special reduced price of just $55 by using this form.